Sunday, December 30, 2012


Can you all believe that 2012 is ONE day away from being over!?  I really can not believe that it flew by.  I have had a lot of things that have happened this year, some for the better and some that were not exactly the best thing.  I felt like this was the perfect time for me to reflect on 2012.

I would like to believe that I have gotten over someone, but that is always easy to say when you dont have to see them.. But I can say that it doesnt make my stomach flip unless I think about him, and thinking about him only happens a few times a month now instead of every minute of every day.

I am no longer friends with someone who was my 2nd half, we shared a brain and every secret. Things happen, that are not always good but you always do your best to make sure that you are true to your self.  I cant say that I dont miss her and her family because that would be a lie, but sometimes you just can't make things work out. Im angry still I wont deny that because the way things happened made me feel betrayed but at the end of the day I do still love her and her kids. 

My debt caught up to me.  So now I am slowly paying it off.  I finished paying off a debt of $945.00 my last pay check and that means that around $1,500 is now paid off and it truly is a weight off of my shoulders.

I found a place to rent, moved in and stayed there for 4 days and moved back home with my parents (Long story but one that has to do with the friend). Though I am thankful that I get to live for pretty close to free, it still has its ups and downs. 

Found my current job (Which I love).  I have now been there almost 8 months.

I fractured my foot while out running one day.

started collecting my nail polish, its a little over the top.

Started this blog!

FINALLY opened a new bank account. (Really put this one off.) 

Went to my first ever concert, which was Drake!

UK won the NCAA National Championship!!! AMAZING!

Reunited with a couple of my friends from UK days.

Got my first DSLR!

FINALLY got to see Charlie again!

Kingston was born!

The most exciting thing for me is that I decided to live a healthier lifestyle.  Long story, not something that I'm putting details out about.  Will share later!

Honestly compared to other years it was actually pretty un-eventful..
I can only hope to be blessed in 2013 with minimal problems and maximum happiness!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snow Day! 12/29/12

Hey guys I am so sorry for all of the blog posts with pictures lately, but I am crazy addicted to my DSLR and taking pictures!  We got around 4-5 inches of snow last night so of course it was a must to head out and play in the snow today, so my sister and the kids came over and I went outside with Kaydon and Keylee.  Here was some of our fun!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Holidays

Thursday, December 27, 2012


My end of the year blog challenge is on hold until next weekend.. I have been sick since Christmas eve.. Finally got into the doctor today and found out its Bronchitis.  I have felt drained and my oxygen levels were low so he prescribed me an inhaler.. So far I have made it through this part of the day without a fever, fingers crossed!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Holidays! (Pictures)

I am so sorry!  This was my last week at work before shutdown so I was extremely busy, then I had Christmas at my dads on Saturday then went to Lexington late last night and didnt get home until after 11.  My sister asked me to stay with her, I always tell her no so I figured since it was near the holidays I would.  I ended up sleeping on the couch and kept Kingston (almost 4 months old) and I finally fell asleep at 1:30 after feeding him, then I put him back in his swing and he slept until 5:30-6:00 and he woke up and I fed him and changed his diaper then crashed until my sister and the kids woke up at 8:30 ish.  So I had to drag myself off the couch and I cooked bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and biscuits and gravy, it was so yummy!  So anyways it was a lot of running and visiting family and then a LONG nap that was much needed, (My sister decided it would be funny to snap a very unflattering picture of me and my newphew asleep and she posted it to facebook.) Since I have been away I have been working on my Photography and editing skills, so here are a few photos I love :)!  Merry Christmas!





Oh yea, and the unflattering picture.. Oh how I love this little man!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Camera!

I finally have gotten my first ever DSLR today.. I have always been a picture person, I live in a fairly rural town so to get to Lexington I drive the scenic horse farm roads which takes about 30 minutes or less and the whole way I think a million times, that would be a good picture.. Over and over again.  I have up to this point had my Canon SD750 which I honestly love and would even dare to say it takes DSLR worthy photos at times!  Everyone ALWAYS compliments my camera! So when my mom asked me what I wanted this year for Christmas I told her that I wanted an Entry Level DSLR, so I now have a Nikon D3100.  I think a lot of people would be shocked to know that I purchased a Nikon because I have always been a big suporter of Canon, but the nikon had MUCH better reviews than the T3i.  But I worked some overtime today at work so I got up at 3:30 this morning and got to work at 5:25 and worked till 11:00 so I played around with it while the kids were still asleep, and tried to get a good grasp on it.  Here are some of my pictures playing with the Shutter and apperature and such..

(Attempting Bokeh, but I cant quite get the settings correct.)


(Getting the lights to twinkle took a while playing with the numbers but I got it!!)