I absolutely love going to my nephew's sporting events he is 6 years old and he plays TBall, Soccer, Basketball and football. He is an exceptionally fast runner and always excels in any sports and has since he was very young. While he was growing up other kids would be into tv or video games toys my nephew had a room full of balls, Basketballs, soccer balls, footballs, baskeballs he has always had a knack for it for as long as I can remember. I really enjoy watching TBall games and soccer games he loves running and anything active. His TBall team that he plays for is the Reds, he is the oldest on the team and because of the way his birthday falls he had to remain in TBall again this year instead of advancing on to coach pitch.
My first question that I would like to pose is, Do you think that a Parent should be allowed to coach his or her own child? I ask because this has became an issue this year for this team that he is on. Last year there were 4 coaches for his team and the all have kids on the team, but there is one main coach and the others are more like "helpers" and My nephews dad was one of them but he is the kind that is a lot more hard on his child than any other kids on the rest of the team. This year we have 3 coaches and they of course all have children on the team, the difference between the main coach last year and the main coach this year is Stephen last year did not favor his child or treat him differently, while V is polar opposite and his son gets major preferential treatment. I guess some of you may be like, "This is only Tball, what is the big deal" but I am a strong believer that when a child is this age is the time to teach them wrong from right and preferential treatment does not teach them anything. Some examples of my issues are his son B is absolutely adorable but not only is he incredibly short for his age and he is tiny, that wouldnt be an issue but height has not been in his favor. We have 5 children that play in field B who plays first base, M and C are shortstop, G is the pitcher mound and Kaydon is third base. My issue comes in that Kaydon (my nephew) is the best player on the team "all around" speed, catching, hitting and basic knowledge of the game. My nephew really has wanted to play first base and we honestly thought that he would play it this year but low and behold B was put on first. If B was better than then Okay I would be fine with that, last year Brady played first and it was no question it was where he belonged he was excellent I never had an qualms with Kaydon not playing first (though he was Brady's alternate). My beef comes that in the 7 ish games we have played this year if the ball is not thrown DIRECTLY at B's glove or doesnt happen to bounce into his glove he doesnt catch it, he closes his eyes nearly everytime that he catches and out of 50 pitches thrown at him per game he will maybe catch 10 and that is pushing it. Most go above him, because he will not jump, or will bounce in front of him and roll on because he wont step off of the bag or will be straight to his glove and he manages to drop it. My nephew plays third base and Im not saying he does everything right BUT when B misses the ball V (Bs father) will correct Kaydon and not B when he needs to step off the bag. Gs dad is one of the other coaches and he will actually walk up and reprimand B and correct him because he gets just as frustrated as everyone else. I dont want anyone reading this to think Im being partial because I am Kaydons Aunt but all through our games other parents from our team has came up to us and told us "Kaydon needs to be on 1st base" or "why doesnt he pull Boff of first?" THEN today my sister overheard Bs mother saying that he hasnt caught crap today and then his father proceeds to say "Well he hasnt had a damn pass thrown at his glove" He turned around and my sister glared at him he he quickly changed the subject. My sister made a great point this is TBall most of these kids are lucky to throw the ball 15- 20 feet. If he cant go to the ball or jump or do any of the things that brady could do last year and that my nephew can do then WHY is he on 1st base, it is that preferential treatment. Last year when Brady was not performing up to par V was quick to say they needed to pull him off of first. Why is okay to pull him but not B when he has a horrible game every game..
My next question is when a TBall Coach simply takes it too far, I pose this question because of the team we played today. The Yankees, I say this because their head coach is kind of the kick dirt on the plate and run your mouth kind of guy, I found myself saying at one point this game "COME ON, this isnt the Major Leagues!" Whenever anyone plays T, he is over bearing and is very quick to pull the rule book out, kick dirt on home plate and make his own calls. (Quick side note about this, Okay so he was my nephews basketball coach and he wore his OWN whistle and if he thinks the ref misses a call he runs to the court and blows his OWN whistle esp. if he thinks his son has been wronged its actually really sad to watch). But It seems that everytime anyone plays him (that actually challenges his team) he throws a fit and will make a scene. At the end of the day it leaves me thinking "come on T, is winning that serious!?" Something else that makes me chuckle is his weird thing with tucking the shirts in, if you are on his team YOU BETTER tuck it in if not you WILL hear about it! Did I mention these kids are 4-6 years old?? Generally just talking to him he isnt a bad guy but if you are the opposing team get your swords ready because it will be war! I feel as if he really takes it TOO FAR!
I know in some places sports arent serious and when a kid is in TBall you just think its just TBall, but around here we do take it pretty serious and it does leave me asking some questions. I know after today I was extremely frustrated that my nephew has to play on a team that isnt fair. Im not saying that he should play first if someone is better than they should play but B SHOULD NOT BE THERE. He has luck on his side since he manages to catch a few with his eyes closed and his father will never pull him no matter how bad he plays. But rotate the players allow them to develop their skills in other positions but do not give preferential treatment to your child!
My Nephew getting his first of two in park home runs in THIS GAME, (Would have had a 3rd home run but there is a 6 run cap per inning so he was stopped at third base when the kid before him scored and we hit 6 runs) He has has 4 or 5 In park home runs this season.