

It looks excellent! Im pretty happy to say that I have something else marked off of my to-do list.
Side note(s): There are a couple of things that I would like to mention 1. I have been searching for a job for about a month and I have had 2 interviews and the process has taken so long I have wanted to go crazy! I got a call from Bright Horizons where I applied to be a Teacher in a preschool room and Originally my position was going to be 12-6 but luckily enough the voicemail this morning asked me to come in so I could allow her to get a copy of my License and Social Security Card and she said there was a possibility that I could start tomorrow (If they got everything back, I didnt think that they would) But that the position would be 9-6 I am very very happy about the time change because that will mean that I am full time and the full gamit of benefits that come with the full time position are numerous. I will have dental, medical and vision, Paid sick, vacation and holiday, 401K, Credit union membership, free gym membership and those are to just name a few! Im excited now I am just hoping that I will start this week I am BEYOND ready to be back to work!
The other thing is that I have been planning a late summer vacation and I am pretty excited my sister Thristian and I have talked about going to Chicago therefore I booked a hotel today for us for late July. We are going to take the train up and we are going to be there for 4 days and 3 nights and needless to say we are very excited!! I LOVE Chicago it is soo much fun!!
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