Sunday, December 23, 2012

Holidays! (Pictures)

I am so sorry!  This was my last week at work before shutdown so I was extremely busy, then I had Christmas at my dads on Saturday then went to Lexington late last night and didnt get home until after 11.  My sister asked me to stay with her, I always tell her no so I figured since it was near the holidays I would.  I ended up sleeping on the couch and kept Kingston (almost 4 months old) and I finally fell asleep at 1:30 after feeding him, then I put him back in his swing and he slept until 5:30-6:00 and he woke up and I fed him and changed his diaper then crashed until my sister and the kids woke up at 8:30 ish.  So I had to drag myself off the couch and I cooked bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and biscuits and gravy, it was so yummy!  So anyways it was a lot of running and visiting family and then a LONG nap that was much needed, (My sister decided it would be funny to snap a very unflattering picture of me and my newphew asleep and she posted it to facebook.) Since I have been away I have been working on my Photography and editing skills, so here are a few photos I love :)!  Merry Christmas!





Oh yea, and the unflattering picture.. Oh how I love this little man!


Unknown said...

I haven't seen a lot of these pics and they are all SO SO good...can't wait to have you take ours again!

Oh, love the new design!

Tiffany said...

Thanks!! Maybe when I come down next weekend I can squeeze in some pictures!!

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