Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Halloween Treats!

Hey guys, I really wanted to cme up with a cute little treat idea for my kids in my classroom and this is something that I thought would be perfect and so cute at the same time!

2 12x12 inch sheets of canvas (Found them in the scarpbooking section at Michaels)
Rotary Cuter or scissors
Thread (I used Black)
Halloween Stamp (Or any Holiday, because I am making my name tags this year similar to this on the christmas presents that I send out with a candy cane)
Stamp Pad
Bag of Pixie Stix

STEP 1: The first thing that I did was cut the canvas in to small long 1.25-1.5 inch strips.
Then I folded the fabric over leaving a gap between the bottom and the top of the fabric.
Until it looks like this:
I am going to explain the quick steps because I did not take a picture for every step.
1. I folded the fabric over and left a gap, I then did wide simple stitches all the way up to the top and tied it off, I did the same on both sides. 
2. I then took my "Happy Halloween" Stamp and stamped it onto the canvas.
3. And then I stuck my 2 Pixie Stix inside!
Here are a few of them that I have finished!
So simple but very cute at the same time!
Have fun!


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