Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Picture Wood Transfer/Wreath Project

If you are anything like me, you probably have a love hate realtionship with Pinterest.  For me it is definitely more love, but I get the most inspring and amazing ideas but it can get to be so incredibly costly.  But my most recent project I have undertaken is my christmas present for my sister.  I found this wreath Idea on Pinterest.

Pinned Image
I am a turquoise and black fan as it is, but I loved this.  I bought the wreath for $4.99 at Michaels and found the perfect color of turquoise Krylon Spray paint and and I bought a cheap can of white spray paint.  I started out with doing 2 coats of white paint to make the turquoise go on a little cleaner.
My wreath and spray paints.
I did the 2 white coats.
This was with the turquoise paint in a small section to show the difference because the lighting made it hard to see.
This is when the whole wreath painted turquoise.
This was just a trial to see how well this is going to work for when I do it for her wreath.  But I will be usuing a block of wood 8x10 and I am getting the kids pictures done at the end of this month and I will be using one of them to transfer one of the pictures to wood, along with the word welcome.
-Wood 1.50
-OmniGel 9.99
Print out the image on regular printer paper.
Put down a healthy coat of OmniGel (I didnt use enough on mine) Then lay the picture face down onto the OmniGel and smooth out all the bubbles.
I didnt take a picture in the next process, but I let it dry over night and the next day I got a cup of warm water and a washcloth and soaked the back of the paper and began to rub in circles and the paper will begin to ball up and rub off, leaving the image transferred on to the wood. 
Now this is why I say to make sure you use enough OmniGel, because I didnt use enough and this image came out Grainy.
But I will be stapling or drilling holes in the block of wood with my niece and nephews picture on it and attatching with in the center of the wreath where the Letter "T" is placed in the image from pinterest.  After I add the picture I will also be attaching the word Welcome Below the picture.  You have to be aware that when you print a picture off it will appear reversed on the wood. 
                            Ex. Original Picture                    Image transferred                             
I also chose to print in Black and White Only.
**I will tell you how to fix the reversed image issue. 
Bring up "Paint" on your Windows computer (I have a Mac so I had to use my sisters computer for this).  Here is a step by step as what to do.
Type your word, or insert your image.
Glide the mouse of the Rotate option on the home tab.
When the list pops up you will want to select the Flip Horizontal Selection
Your image is reversed.  You can then print your image or words and it will transfer in the correct way!
Since I wont be getting the kids pictures done until The end of this month I cant show you the finished product.  But I will most definitely put it up on here as soon as I finish it.  Essentially it is going to look very much like the image from pinterest at the top of this post instead of the "T" in the middle, the picture transferred to wood with the word "Welcome" will be in place.  I intend to do a very floppy Black or White Bow to hang it with!
**Cant wait to show you all the finished product!!
lovelovelove ~T~


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